confirming the sex of the baby...
you'll have to call me to find out!! hee hee
Ari & Elie played catepillars on the stairs today... so much fun!
CJ & Elie played at the Castle Park,
while Ari slept through the whole occassion!
(earlier in the day...
CJ hand knit the necklace he's sportin in this picture)

Aunt Aubrey treated us to sweets at the Snack Shack.
Aubrey made chocolate chunk cookies
& Elie helped with the clean-up!
Fashion Divas!

Tomorrow Atalie & Alicia will fly in & join us for lunch--
then it's off to Chicago (The Key Lime Cove Resort) to
meet up with Uncle Greg & Aunt Sue!!!
** 3 hour car ride... we should have lots to tell when we get back!