Aubrey and I enjoyed another day together... just enjoying being sisters! We did venture out for a general purpose run to Target, but most of the day was spent indoors (due to the rain we brought with us). I bought the girls each a rubber snake and Aubrey got them each an echo microphone & of course let us not forget that CJ received yet another Bakugan to add to his collection. It has been nice just hanging out and watching the kids bond with their Aunt, Uncle, & Cousin.

Cousin Elie was such a good mama to Ari today-- she even gave her a ride in her stroller & gave her a tour of the basement.

The girls ran around empty cardboard boxes that Uncle Michael stacked up several stories high.

Ari loved riding Elie's 4 Wheeler around.... but it was even MORE FUN with THREE!!

It should come as NO BIG SUPRISE that CJ most liked playing more XBOX today!

Ari and Elie are still enjoying having eachother as playmates 24-7!
Today they especially giggled over riding the inflatable dolphin in the basment. They attempted to hang on while Uncle Michael kept it rocking for them. Soooo fun to watch!!
The trip has really been wonderful!
It feels fabulous to reconnect with Aubrey & Michael--
& getting to know Elie is a delicious treat!
Looking forward to savoring each day.