We were finally complete-- & CJ was excited.
After some quick lunch...
we loaded up the suburban & headed for Chicago to meet up with Uncle Greg & Aunt Sue.
I had hoped to have the kids meet Grampa Walker & Alice too, but they didn't make it.
The drive went well... CJ knitted, I played Sudoku, Ari decorated herself with stickers,
Atalie, Alicia, & Elie all opted for napping, while Michael drove & Aubrey navigated.
Atalie, Alicia, & Elie all opted for napping, while Michael drove & Aubrey navigated.
We made it there in closer to 2 hours rather than 3
& were soooo EXCITED to reunite with Greg & Sue at the
Key Lime Cove (Water Park) Hotel

After unloading all of our luggage,
we enjoyed visiting with Greg & Sue in the hotel room.
Atalie & Alicia were pretty tired,
having been awake since 3am that morning & flying all day!

Greg & Sue & I were trying to remember when
the last time we had visited together.
I think we concluded only that it had been

We all changed into our suits & commenced the swimming activities!!
Dinner was spent in a hotel restraunt & was immensely enjoyable--
especially the dessert part!!
CJ, Ari & I took a quick break in the room to snap a few pics & eat some tootsie pops!
Bedtime was late--
but everyone settled in good for the night
It was a busy day, but everyone had such a GREAT TIME together!!