... and so the countdown continues!
but why am I feeling complete ANXIETY?!!!!!

feelings can be such a complicated matter---- i should just embrace where I sit at the moment and stop agonizing on what I might feel in the very next moment. However where I'm sitting at the moment feels VOMITISS!!!
So... the kids and I will be traveling solo come Tuesday night.
I can not express in words how WONDERFUL it will be for my sister, Aub, and her family to finally meet Ari-- as well as the rest of my extended family. That part I am soooo excited for. The five to six hours on the plane alone with Ari I am NOT looking forward to!!!
Also, for different reasons I am feeling added anxiety surrounding our travels. I just need to get things clear in my head I suppose. This is making no sense to anyone but me right now & that's okay because I'm typing my way through these HORRID feelings I am engulfed in!
I'm hoping I feel better as it gets closer. If it gets any worse.... well let's just say that I will be in the bathroom a lot more!!!