- a butter knife in the fold-out couch
- a light switch in entryway that turns off the TV in the bedroom
- a rusted showerhead
- a dirty towel hanging from the back of the bathroom door
- a half filled ice tray in freezer
- sheets of assorted colors (pink, green, & purple)
- toothpaste left behind on the hanging hand towel
- water that smells like rotten eggs
- musty smells--- smoking in the halls & lobby is permitted
We determined that this stay would give us many memories and laughs to take home with us.
Not exactly "Deluxe Accomodations"!!
The night concluded with an up-close & personal firework show at the hotel.
My sisters & I didn't exactly feel comfortable with the firework debri falling on us or our kids, so we moved farther away than where everyone else was watching from (just feet away!)
After watching for 15 mins or so, CJ approached me in the dark with glowing blue neon smeared across his eye, forehead, hands, sleeves & hair & is rubbing his eye saying "OWWWWW Mom my eye is burning!" No, it was not the fireworks that hit him... but instead a neon glow bracelet had broken & he had rubbed his eye & gotten it inside- OUCH! I raced him back to the hotel room to flush it out! After 15 mins he was still agonizing over the sting in his eye. I continued to rinse it & eventually the burning irritation calmed down & he layed down to rest! Quite the ending to a long day-- his eye was fine by morning, no worries.
Strange thing was...
Ariana wasn't the one to get the injury that day?!