...here we come...you can't hide...gonna find you & make you want me!!(song by Refugees, perhaps)
In any case, I am soooooo

We will be headed to Wisconsin to visit with both my sisters & brother-in-law & ALL of our kids will be together in the same place for the first time EVER!!! I am soooo elated! I haven't seen Aub & my dad in 5 or 6 years & I haven't seen my Aunt Dawn in likely 12 YEARS! Not to mention, many family members have never even met my children!! So we will likely take a road trip to Chicago to visit my Aunt Sue, Uncle Greg & Grampa Walker as well. After all, Christion is only 8 YEARS OLD now!!!
All I can say to that is... DEBT IS A DEMON (& I'll write that article at another time)!!
Summer is on it's way here alas... & hopefully the garden will survive this crazy transition from
drastic cold to
extreme hot! We sooooo enjoy our backyard living room & enjoy planning it's rejuvenation for this summer & upcoming year. I hope to invite many more peoples over to hang out & indulge in good eats and good company. Chris has even opened up quite a bit to the idea of mas personas en la casa which makes it sooo much easier for me to feel comfortable inviting people over more often.
Christion will be out of school in a few weeks and as summer commences we are all feeling relief & a giant
breath of fresh air! This summer we will likely determine if Christion will be returning to Sojourner OR start the home school routine in the fall. There are still some questions which have yet to be answered & I definately do not take this change lightly... so we will keep you posted on that matter. I have announced to the family that this summer will also consist of much more food preparation together & a new found love for healthy, fun making of meals together!! This ties right into our garden and love of earth & the fuel our bodies thrive on.

As much transition approaches and the groundwork for positive experiences lies ahead,
& I would boldly presume that the rest of
the tribe is READY too!!