Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Conclusion of Summer Haps!

Summer was concluded with much fun & good times!
Sometimes we could be found watching TV from a laundry basket & playing video games...

Swimming in the backyard...

Swimming and dinner by campfire at Frenchmen's Bar, on the Columbia River with Good Friends...

Dancing in The Couve...

We got our first puppy, MARLEY, from a no kill shelter
(it only took us 3-4 weeks to agree on a name for him!)

Ari had her first trip to the dentist!

And Christion still says it's GREAT to be 8!!
The summer concluded with CJ leaving for his first day of 3rd Grade excited to see all of his school mates.

What an AMAZING Summer for 2008!

AHA... it's AHAS!

Upon returning from all our adventures this summer, we made our way to yet another 2 weeks of fun & learning.

Through Emily, we learned of a very exciting opportunity for Christion.

An organization called AHAS (At Home At School) provides a diverse 4 week summer program for kids. Downside... it was in Orchards, Washington & we had to drive 40 minutes to & from each day. Plus side... we missed the first 4 weeks of it & saved 2 weeks of gas expenses!!

Actually, the plus side list could go on & on...

*they provided both breakfast & lunch

*the kids got to choose 2 different electives to take each day (including things like bridge building, music, art, newsroom, quiltmaking & much more)

*the focus of the program was "RESPECT"

*they included field trips & even a petting zoo

*BEST PART... it was FREE!!!

Ari & I entertained ourselves with playdates with Alex & Ms. Heidi, as well as storytimes at Barnes & Noble & other park playing.

CJ said it was a GREAT experience & he would love to do it again next summer!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Magic, Glitter & Fire Oh My!

After only one day in between trips...
we left for the
2008 Oregon Country Fair (OCF)!!
We had yet another amazing adventure there!
The only troubles we faced were hand to hand combat with some relentless mesquito warriors in our campsite-- they flew through the citronella candles & ate our children as if they were invited to a bonfire beach party with an all-you-can-eat buffet!!

We enjoyed good friends & fair family!

Cheyenne & CJ enjoyed the snowcone breakfast ritual!

Snuggles alongside meetings with wizards & wolves
was a daily norm.

"Fair Play" consisted of climbing Giant Play Structures,
playing in the sand,

& let us not forget HULA HOOPING!!

Scaling Stiltwalker Benches at MainStage proved Super Fun!
(especially with good friends)

Cheyenne grooved a Hula Hoop at MainStage
while people stopped to take pictures of her.

Ari found herself in the Kaleidoscope Tower this year!

We relaxed quite a bit in the Meadow this year...
The White Parade stopped to deliver a cherry to Christion.

A lady from France showed CJ how to Balance a Juggling Pin.

Chris, Ari & I all played around--
keeping eachother smiling and laughing all weekend long!

Christion even flew out of the fair one day!

Camp was greeted with Cheyenne & Kaley
"the tunnel monsters"!

Maya & Francisco kept us giggling vintage style.
Little Araiza got a splinter in her foot,
but daddy Franni fixed it up proper!

We adorned ourselves
with face paints, ribbons, horns, & glitter....
& left each day with fair dust from head to toe!
Dancing, marching & playing at Fair equates to much dusty love!!

Though it's always sad to leave the fair... we have much to take with us through the year ahead!
Every year is a deep inter and intrapersonal learning experience for each of us & we are fortunate to have the gift of touching each sense with an abundance of each intelligence (Mathematical-Logical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Linguistic, Naturalistic, Visual Spatial & even Existential). From amazingly reflective dream puppet shows to soul soothing drum circles, participant breakdancing performances to people sized chess boards, we are bathed in a complete revitalization of our spirits and even enhanced with refreshing new perspectives. The reminder that we are each unique, incredible individuals and yet very much engulfed in an intricate contribution to a growing community makes me feel whole. I hope not to feel complete, but rather to feel whole and able to cultivate my spirit through a lifetime of fulfilling interactions and quiet contemplations.
Many thanks to the Oregon Country Fair & my ability to open to its many enchanting possibilities!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bitter Sweet - TUESDAY (DAY 14)

I am going to miss my sisters,
& nieces
soooooooo much!!!!!

Here's the Sweet part...
We have had such an incredible 2 weeks together
& no real scuffles.
I could play with my nieces everyday--
they are sooo much fun!
I could sit & chat it up with my sisters
if the sun would never set!
& I could laugh through eternity
in the presence of my awesome brother-in-law!

Now the Bitter part...
It's soooo hard to leave,
knowing that it will be quite awhile til we're
together again!!
I won't see my nieces everyday.
The sun does set each day.
& I won't be in Michael's presence for awhile.

tears dripping like a leaky faucet

I am soooo grateful to have given my children this beautiful gift
& I am grateful for this time that I have spent
sharing & laughing & touching
so many people that I love so deeply in my life.
I only wish to not wait so long to see them & hold them again.

I am soooo grateful to Chris.
I appreciate his committment
to making this trip possible for us
& all of the sacrifice involved.
It has been very hard for Chris to be apart from the kids,
but it is a refreshing reminder of how wonderful
it is to have special people in your life.
I can't wait to see Christion & Ari's eyes light up
when they see their daddy again.

As much as I will miss my family...
I am excited to be headed for the Fair!
What an amazing summer this is.
I am fully in love with life at this moment
& filled with immeasurable amounts of love & gratitude!